Friday, March 27, 2009

Google Image Search Go!

Main Entry:1za·ny           Listen to the pronunciation of 1zany
Inflected Form(s):plural zanies
Etymology:Italian zanni, a traditional masked clown, from Italian dialect Zanni, nickname for Italian Giovanni John

This was from some sort of retail page where they were profiling their zany this who shops at Anne Geddes?

I will say that I have my doubts about the authenticity of this photograph.

Zany or dismal? YOU decide!

There is a saying "don't hate the player, hate the game" to which this man replies "I invented the game....literally all games"

High School Musical cast, the before picture.

I remember when I was an eager teen in the mid 80's. All I had was a dream and a unitard.

One of the people in this picture is named Zany Janie....I do not know whic.

Somebody saw the Jonas Brothers: 3D Concert Experience


Aaaaaaaaaaaaaand, one for the road.

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