Sunday, March 14, 2010

Hello lover.

So it's really been a while. I'll save the apolgies becuase at this point it's the same value as 3rd world currency.

A brief story

I am in line at a theater when behind me a guy goes
-and it's going to be sold out and so's the next theater and then your car is going o break down.

The girl then steers this ship into dangerous waters

-ok so what else? I'm going to get pregnant and the baby is going to have autism.

The guy pauses and then thinking the better of himself says
-there's a lot of other bad stuff that can happen to you but....

-what? Like a miscarriage? That's not that bad.

(what? WHAT?)

here's my predicament. I wanted to yell "you could get cervical cancer!"

Such is my life.

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