Thursday, October 8, 2009


So hearing about people's dreams suck....


I wanted to throw this out there to see if anyone can take a gander at my subconscious and perhaps decode this one:

I saw a young John Goodman and found him "striking".

These two dudes murdered two women but I played it cool and was like big deal, totally not reporting this action. Then I realized it was okay since one of the murderees is that red haired girl from glee so when she didn't show up for filming they'd investigate.

I was walking outside on a pathway when I had to pee so I literally laid down on the sidewalk and peed (through my clothes) but since I wasn't standing no one noticed.

Then a sexy youth minister started giving me a back rub (unfortunately in a platonic way)

We went to his office and I hoped no one noticed the piss stain on my pants.

John Goodman. (should be noted he was in wrestling gear in my mind)

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