Monday, March 16, 2009

Google Image Search Go!

See, already following up on the reoccurring post thing.

This week's topic: bears.

Let's kick things off right.

I mean right there. Fear, intimidation, and apparently Bank of California's entire marketing scheme. Free checking and bears have always been synonymous.

Lightening things up a's bear showing us his asshole!

This one's called President Boosh Bear......I like how it looks like it's wearing a shorts suit....while holding a gun. More like the president of San Franciso or Canada or some shit.

Don't worry, mine's already in the mail.

I remember this but apparently not enough to know why the one in the back is wearing a shower cap and why the one in the front is like a total dick.

Better not to ask.

It's a pretty fair assumption to believe that the kids in the above photo are siblings. I get that. But why are two of them dressed as parents and one is the kid......West Virginia, I am looking at you.

The story attached to this picture was something about bears demanding food, which I totally get. I don't know why they are looking on a road and in oil tankers. They are Russian bears.

Here's a link to yet another Russian feat...this time the venue isn't bears, rather, the dynamic world of European Nationalistic Pop Music Competitions.

What you see there is true. Enjoy.

1 comment:

Carlydear said...

To help lessen your confusion on the Berenstein bears - Sister, the angry one in the front, is pretty much always mad about something. She's pretty much perma-jealous at brother, who does fun boy-type activities all the time. And the mom always wears that cap. Maybe she has some skull disorder.